Monday, August 24, 2015

First Month

I rounded out the first month with a few more trips to Flagstaff to climb at Oak Creek Overlook in preparation for a trip to Squamish, B.C. in July. Although the rock at the Overlook (basalt) is different than at Squamish (granite), both places are primarily traditional climbing areas (i.e., place your own gear) so the mental aspect and skill transfer is beneficial. I always enjoy climbing at the Overlook. The climbs are fun and the views are great.
Joe leading Duck Soup
A dizzying look down Mint Julep
Jenny following Mint Julep

We saw this amazing little critter at the Overlook. I've never seen a frog this small! He seemed less interested in us than we were in him.
VSF (Very Small Frog)
Stay tuned for the next adventure!